When you upgrade your existing CRM processes to Salesforce, you will be able to import data into the platform. Sometimes, there are errors during the data integration process that reduce the accuracy of the leads. This isn’t a desirable situation as your sales team members may be following inaccurate leads, causing employee frustration and low-quality customer service. To prevent this problem from occurring, the data administrator will need to fix any broken leads and implement an accurate leads management system.
In this blog post, we cover 4 ways of identifying broken leads and fixing them using Salesforce.
1. Lead as New Inquiries
When Salesforce leads are assigned to new team members, they should be treated as brand new inquiries from customers. This will help improve Salesforce lead management for the sales agent and administrator.
The administrator should carry out the same steps that they undertake when generating new leads. This involves searching the records for the possibilities of duplicate records and identifying any matching records that are found.
Record duplication is a major cause of problems in CRM software. Salesforce offers good checks against this but the administrator must still review the lead before assigning it to a team member to avoid problems.
2. Recognize Dead Leads
Leads should be used to target customers that are potentially interested in your products. If the customer is not interested in further dialogue and specifically states that they do not want to buy your products, then it is a dead end.
The sales administrator should close the lead and mark it as a dead end so that it does not keep getting reassigned to other sales team members. This will ensure that the sales agent’s time is not wasted pursuing dead leads.
Of course, the lead should still remain a part of the database so that it can be updated in the future if the individual or business become interested in the products and services offered by the business.
3. The Lead Requires Nurturing
The majority of leads can be placed in the category of “maybe”. These are customers that are interested in your business products but do not buy from your business for one reason or another. Perhaps they think your prices are too high, delivery times too long or the quality is not up to their expectation? Maybe one of your competitors has a stronger relationship with your lead and your sales agents need to convince the potential customer in a better way?
Leads in this category should be pursued by your sales agents in a passive manner and changed to active if the potential clients come on board.
4. Lead Routing
If you have a growing or sizable team of sales agents, then your Salesforce lead management system may require better re-routing. Re-routing involves changes in territory, account shuffling, and exceptions to be granted to certain leads. A reassignment will encourage your sales personnel to contact clients with a fresh approach.
Lead re-routing should be carried out quickly to be effective. However, we have seen examples where it can take months to complete the task for larger organizations. The Salesforce CRM platform is really helpful here as it can expedite the process significantly.